Is there parking available for guests?

There is plenty of street parking available for guests on Quinpool Road and other nearby side streets.

How do I make a reservation?

To make a reservation, please call 902-420-1271 or send an email to casey@quinnsarms.ca.

When do you serve your Sunday Roast? Can I order other menu items during this time?

Our Sunday Roast is served every Sunday from 12pm-4pm. It is a fixed price per person. Our regular menu is available during the Sunday Roast.

What are your hours?

Monday-Thursday 11:30am-11:00pm

Friday-Saturday 11:30am-12:00am

Sunday 12:00pm-11:00pm

What time does your kitchen close?

Our kitchen closes at 10pm daily.

What is the best way to contact you?

Preferably by email, or by phone.

Email: casey@quinnsarms.ca

Phone: (902)420-1271

What is the difference between Quinn’s Arms and The Brewery by Quinns?

Our two restaurants are completely different concepts with different menus! We are a British pub serving some classic British pub dishes and some with our own flair. Visit our menu page to see what we offer.

The menu concept for The Brewery by Quinns is focused around Barbecue and house smoked meats, however they offer a variety of large plates, sandwiches and starters, as well as brunch every weekend from 10am-2pm.

Are there any vegetarian or vegan options on your menu?

Yes! We have a handful of small and large plates that are vegetarian or can be made without meat indicated on our menu. We carry Beyond Meat products and we have vegan options as well that are not on our regular menu. Ask your server about what vegan dishes our team can create that day!